Vehicle checks

Expected outcome/competence

Display and demonstrate a basic knowledge and use of the fundamental controls and safety checks applicable to the vehicle. For example, safe fluid levels, lighting and tyre checks and washing the windscreen.

Potential deviations from expected outcomes:

  • 1 or 2 questions incorrect = 1 driving fault
  • Loss of control when demonstrating the on-road ‘show me’ question

Examples of what might constitute something that would result in a fault being marked

Driving fault

Category A & domestic categories: One driving fault for one or both questions answered incorrectly.

Category B: Answering one ‘tell me ‘Question incorrectly and/or displaying a minor loss of vehicle control whilst demonstrating the on-road ‘show me’ question.

Category C, D, B+E & ADI: One driving fault for each question answered incorrectly.

Category C+E & D+E: One driving fault for each question answered incorrectly.

Serious fault

Category A & domestic categories: not applicable.

Category B Displaying serious loss of control whilst demonstrating the on-road ‘show me’ question.

Category C, D, B+E & ADI: All five questions answered incorrectly.

Category C+E & D+E: Both questions answered incorrectly.

Dangerous fault

Category B: Displaying an actual dangerous loss of vehicle control whilst demonstrating the on-road ‘show me’ question requiring examiner action to prevent a collision.