Ancillary controls

Expected outcome/competence

Ability to understand the function of all the controls and switches, especially those that have a bearing on road safety. These include indicators, lights, windscreen wipers, demisters, and heaters.

Ability to find these controls and operate them correctly, when necessary, without looking down or causing a loss of control.

Potential deviations from expected outcomes

  • Failure to use ancillary controls when necessary
  • Unable to operate controls
  • Not able to locate or operate essential ancillary controls loss of control whilst operating

Examples of what might constitute something that would result in a fault being marked

Driving fault

Not completely familiar with the location and operation of controls, control of the vehicle was compromised but with no effect on road safety.

Serious fault

Unaware of location and operation of the controls resulting in a serious loss of vehicle control, road safety compromised.

Dangerous fault

Any situation brought about by the above fault that resulted in actual danger to the examiner, candidate, the general public or property.