The Standards Check/Part 3 exam Advice Booklet

Standards Check/Part Three Advice Booklet

The Standards Check was introduced in April 2014 and in December 2017 the qualifying test was also converted to the same format. The test was created using the National Standard for Driver and Rider training. You should become familiar with this document as it creates the criteria by which you will be assessed.

It is one of the conditions of qualifying for and subsequently remaining on the ADI register that every qualified ADI must undergo a periodic assessment of their instructional ability. This assessment is called the Standards Check, it is the same test as the qualification process.

The aim of the Part Three exam/Standards Check is to assess how well you meet the standards as set out in the DVSA publication ‘National Standard for Driver and Rider Training’. The Standards Check is conducted by an examiner from the specialist ADI enforcement team who will observe you delivering a normal 1-hour lesson. The examiner is assessing your ability to instruct and whether your instruction helps a person to learn and improve in an effective way.

You must take at least 1 Standards Check in each 4-year period that you are registered as an ADI.

You must take the Standards Check even if you:

  • Do not have your own car
  • Are not currently working as an ADI

You can be taken off the ADI register if you repeatedly do not attend your Standards Check. You are responsible for the lesson and can take a pupil of any level of ability –the only exceptions being anyone who is currently on the ADI register or who has passed the ADI Part 2 test.

The lesson should last for 1 hour (including introduction and end of lesson feedback) and 15 minutes should be allowed at the end of the lesson for a debrief for you with the examiner. The examiner will normally give you a time they wish you to be back to the test centre, if you wish to de-brief the pupil allow time for this