
Expected outcome/competence

Signals should be given clearly to let other road users know the intended course to be taken. Signals shown in the Highway Code should only be used if it would help other road users (including pedestrians).

Signals should be given in good time and cancelled after the manoeuvre has been completed. Pedestrians should not be beckoned to cross the road.

Potential deviations from expected outcomes

Where necessary:

  • Omitting to re-apply when it self-cancels
  • Omitting to give a signal where necessary


  • Signalling unnecessarily
  • Wrong arm signals
  • Omitting to cancel after use
  • Incorrect (i.e., left for right, right for left)
  • Flashing the headlights at another driver to proceed or turn
  • Having the hazard lights on whilst on the move
  • Unnecessary use of the horn
  • Beckoning pedestrians

Properly timed:

  • Giving late exit signals at roundabouts
  • Arriving at a junction and then signalling
  • Signalling after starting the manoeuvre
  • Signalling far too early or too late
  • Misleading signal before intended left and right turn

Examples of what might constitute something that would result in a fault being marked

Driving fault

Signal applied but cancelled before the change in direction was complete.

Serious fault

Omitted an essential signal to inform other road user of a change in direction.

Dangerous fault

Any situation brought about by the above fault, that resulted in actual danger to the examiner, candidate, the general public or property.