Reverse park

Expected outcome/competence

Ability to control the vehicle accurately when parking on the road or into a parking bay. Effective all-round observation throughout the manoeuvre showing consideration to other road users.

Potential deviations from expected outcomes


  • Poor co-ordination of controls
  • Scrubbing/brushing the kerb
  • Unnecessary shunting backwards and forwards
  • Getting too close to the object car
  • Mounting the pavement
  • Turning the steering wheel, the wrong way
  • Parking too far from the kerb
  • Stalling
  • Not completing within two car lengths
  • Finishing at an acute angle to the kerb

Car Park:

  • Poor co-ordination of controls
  • Ending up straddling two bays
  • Unnecessary shunting forwards and backwards
  • Turning the steering wheel, the wrong way
  • Stalling


  • No blind spot checks
  • Relying too much or entirely on the mirrors
  • Ineffective observation
  • Looking but not reacting to other vehicles or pedestrians
  • Waiting too long for other users in the car park.

Examples of what might constitute something that would result in a fault being marked

Driving fault

Re-positioning required to correct a loss of control or accuracy

Serious fault

Excessive re-positioning to correct complete misjudgement and /or significant loss of control. Final parking position parking – outside the bay.

Dangerous fault

Any situation brought about by the above loss of control that resulted in actual danger to the examiner, candidate, the general public or property.