Forward Park/Taxi manoeuvre

Car tests – (Recorded when instructions given to select a bay)

Expected outcome/competence
Ability to control the vehicle accurately when forward parking into a parking bay. Effective, all-round observation and consideration to other road users and pedestrians

Potential deviations from expected outcomes


  • Poor co-ordination of controls
  • Ending up straddling two bays
  • Unnecessary shunting forwards and backwards
  • Turning the steering wheel, the wrong way
  • Stalling


  • No blind spot checks
  • Relying too much or entirely on the mirrors
  • Ineffective observation
  • Looking but not reacting to other vehicles or pedestrians
  • Waiting too long for other users in the car park.

Examples of what might constitute something that would result in a fault being marked

Driving fault

Finishing the exercise with one or two wheels on the parking bay line.

Serious fault

Finishing the exercise with one or two wheels fully in the bay adjacent to the intended bay.

Dangerous fault

Loss of control resulting in examiner taking action to prevent the candidate from hitting a vehicle in the adjacent bay.