Controlled stop

Expected outcome/competence

Display a high level of skill in bringing the vehicle to a stop, safely, promptly and under full control avoiding locking the wheels.

Potential deviations from expected outcomes

  • Late or slow reaction to the signal
  • Applying the handbrake before stopping
  • Skidding out of control
  • Missing the footbrake pedal
  • Letting go of the steering wheel

Examples of what might constitute something that would result in a fault being marked

Driving fault

  • Locking the wheels, resulting in skidding for a short distance, but demonstrating effective skills in regaining control.

Serious fault

  • Very harsh braking, resulting in locking the wheels. Vehicle continues to skid out of control, with either ineffective or no attempt to regain control

Dangerous fault

  • Any situation brought about by the above loss of control that resulted in actual danger to the examiner, candidate, the general public or property.